- Cars under competition conditions can lose control and leave the defined road at any time. Do not stand in any areas which are not authorised, or which are contrary to the advice of the organisers and officials/marshals.
- Be prepared. Weather wise, bring hats, ground cover, sun screen and protection in case of rain or cold weather. Food and drink outlets may be provided at the Public View Point (refer to public instructions), but if not, ensure you have some of your own food and drinks available.
- Park your car sensibly so that it will not obstruct emergency vehicles, competitors, service crews or other members of the public. In all cases obey parking instructions given by supervising officials. It is usually best to park your car facing the way out.
- Do not try to emulate drivers. Remember that if you give cause for complaint it will reflect badly on the event and the sport as a whole. Drive carefully both to and from Public Viewing Areas and be ready to give way if necessary, on narrow stretches of road.
- Please do not take dogs or young children to Public View Points. If you have to, make sure they are completely under your control and please make sure that animals and children do not get in the way of competing cars or mechanics or officials when they are working.
- Do not light fires (unless otherwise permitted to do so in a safe environment) or smoke in the Public View Points. Do not smoke near a car that is being serviced or refuelled.
- At all times keep clear of controls, including from the timing marker to the control area. If control officials ask you to move, please help them by doing so – remember they have a job to do which can be difficult enough as it is. If you do want to see a control point in action, remember to stand well back from the control area.
- Take your entire litter home with you – it is handy to have a bag or carton in your boot. Litter left at Public View Points reflects badly on the event.
- At service points do not crowd mechanics when they are working. They would not appreciate it. Neither will you if someone drops a wheel or a sump guard on your foot!