Becoming a registered official gives you access to the various training modules and pathways to allow you to become more involved in motorsport. Your Motorsport Australia Officials Licence (together with your sign on at the event) ensures you are afforded coverage under Motorsport Australia insurances while participating in the event. The most important thing is that it is free to attain your Officials Licence.
In addition, the Motorsport Australia Member Rewards program gives you access to a range and discounts and offers provided by Motorsport Australia Partners.
All the information you need can be found at the Motorsport Australia website at:
The best place to start is to pick an event that is convenient for you to attend. Check out the event pages for details on location and dates. You can find the contact information for the event organisers on those pages, usually in the Supplementary Regulations, and give them a call to express your interest.
If you have not already received your Motorsport Australia Officials Licence you can complete the following linked form to get things underway.
Absolutely none! There are plenty of jobs to be done, and many of them require no prior experience. At the event, you’ll be briefed on what you need to do, and given any training you do need. Most of the tasks are very easy and straightforward.
Every event requires many officials, to fill the following types of positions:
You get your own private spectator point, manning a road closure. Officials are required at road closures of big intersections or significant roads, to ensure no unauthorised traffic passes through the barriers and enters the stage.
Monitor the crowds at a spectator point to ensure that everyone there remains in the designated zone. Your job here is to keep all the spectators safe from the rally cars.
Count the cars down to “GO” on the start line. At the start control, your job is to give the crews their actual start time (three minutes after their arrival time and maintaining a two-minute interval between each car). Cars then move forward to the start line, where an automatic timing system usually counts them down for their start.
Get the stopwatch ready – as the cars pass the finish line, your job is to record the exact time.
There is plenty of paperwork to be completed at every event! Organisers can always use help in Rally HQ from people with good administrative skills.
Events take months of planning and hard work to put together. Usually, there is a team of people who put in countless hours in creating the event – it’s a huge undertaking! But, there is a great sense of pride and achievement amongst that team at the end of a successful event, and the gratitude from competitors is exceptional. Rallying in NSW is only going to survive if we’re able to find more people who are willing to help with the organisation of an event. Being a part of the organisational team requires more formal training. There are various roles in this team, including Clerk of Course, Event Secretary and Officials Co-Ordinator.