Rally NSW Supp Reg Templates

Supp Reg Templates

It is a requirement of Motorsport Australia that all car clubs submit Supplementary Regulations in the same format, using the templates that are available here, for all rallies and rallysprints conducted in NSW. Starting with these templates will assist you to get some of the details right, including making sure that your classes and awards are in line with the current NSW competition conditions (for series events) and also that your regulations comply with the many requirements of the NCR’s. If you wish to develop a set of Supp Regs for events that are not part of the various NSW series, there are some items which are specific to NSW championships and series which will need to be deleted or changed, such as priority of entry, etc. Supp Regs templates for non-series events have not been posted here, so please start with these and modify them to suit your particular event.

NSWRC and ECCRS events please use this template:


Any text in the templates highlighted in yellow need to be edited or deleted to suit the specific needs of your event.

For S1 Rallysprint Events please use the following template:

For S2 Rallysprints, the above template can be modified to align with the requirements for S2 Rallysprints as provided for in the Motorsport Australia Rally Sprint Standing Regulations.

If your Club does not use its own online entry system, it is highly recommended to use the Motorsport Australia Online Entry System for your event. This is far more preferable than using a paper based entry process. If your Club does not have a login this can be requested from Motorsport Australia Member Services.

Vehicle Series Sponsor Signage

The Supp Reg templates above contain information relating to the vehicle signage supplied by the NSW Rally Panel. The style and design of this vehicle numbering is a requirement of Motorsport Australia for all Series Rallies in NSW and  are recommended for the Rallysprint series. (Rallysprint organisers – remove appendix B if you are not using them) Organisers are free to use any supplier they wish to do their printing and are not obliged to order the stickers from the Rally Panel. These vehicle numbers may be useful for any event, not just rallies and rallysprints. If you’d like to use them please cut and paste the details from the following document into your Supp Regs, and use the order form which is under the ‘Organisers – Vehicle Number’ menu item.